A mid-autumn blog hiatus.

You won't hear from me for a few days, but there's a lot going on behind the scenes.

A mid-autumn blog hiatus.

The Garden is going to be quiet this upcoming week, as I will be taking some much-needed R&R. But there are some things happening with my YouTube channel and my online classes, which will all be announced with more detail after I’m back. This is a good time to take some down-time, as the furor of the upcoming Presidential election nears the finish line; I also took a sabbatical in 2020 around this time and it greatly helped my mental health.

Most importantly, once I return I’ll be launching a new online class—my largest and most in-depth one to date—on November 11. A formal announcement will be coming soon, but if you want a jump on what it’s about and where to sign up, here is where to go. (Garden of Memory readers at the paid tier will have a discount on the tuition. Again, all will be explained eventually).

This weekend I put up a new, smaller, just-for-fun video on my YouTube channel. It’s embedded below. This is not a multi-hour deep dive, but a ship history profile done in the style of the videos I used to do before my channel blew up in 2023. If you’re a fan of the classic TV detective show Columbo, this one is for you!

Best of luck to you as we navigate these politically and socially fraught days before the election. Thanks, as always, for reading and supporting my work.

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🎓 Like learning? Find out what courses I’m currently offering at my website.

📽 More the visual type? Here is my YouTube channel with tons of free history videos.