Oppenheimer: My spoiler-free, historical context review. This is not a film about technology. It's about morality, relationships, the environment, and much more.
From the Moon to Jackson Park: Where are the Apollo space capsules now? What happened to all the space capsules after they came back to Earth?
Historic Photo: Shipwreck at Chasland's Mistake, New Zealand, 1876. I'm not sure who Chasland was, but this was certainly somebody's mistake.
The New York City Draft/Race Riots and "Gangs of New York." The deadliest race riot in U.S. history is depicted in a controversial 2002 film which I think deserves another look.
The future sucks! The year 1999, as envisioned from 1967. See the bizarre result when a 1960s company that manufactures TVs tries to tell us what they think the future will be like.
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny: My spoiler-free, historical context review. The fifth Indiana Jones film isn't perfect, but it has a lot to commend it.
Shakespeare's wooden universe: London's old Globe Theatre. The theater world of late 16th century London was an amazing panoply of egos, creativity, architecture and politics.