The strangest Christmas: my experiences in the great PNW snowstorm of 2008. This reminiscence is a special treat for my paid subscribers. Thank you and happy holidays!
Behind the scenes: Watergate, a Geographic History. My newest video examines the geographic dimensions of America's foremost political scandal.
Smoke on the water: The Yarmouth Castle disaster. The 1965 disaster that claimed 90 lives is obscure in history books, but alive in memories of people touched by it.
We're entering an era of history where anything can happen. From the war in Israel to the effects of human-caused climate change, we live in a much more chaotic and dangerous world than we're used to.
Behind the Scenes: Manson, a Geographic History. My newest deep-dive video attempts to tell an old story from an environmental historian's angle.
All that sizzles: a geohistory of the great American steak houses. The great American steak houses are about a lot more than just good steak. They tell a key part of the American story.