The last thing Lincoln saw: the story of "Our American Cousin." The play Lincoln was watching at the time of his assassination has an interesting history of its own.
Historic Painting: Ernest Blumenschein, "Star Road and White Sun," 1920. This style of art brings back wonderful memories of New Mexico.
Franklin Pierce: The Saddest President. (Video) This in-depth video explores the life story of one of the most problematic U.S. Presidents.
Streets of fire: two New York City disasters converge in space and time. Two similar disasters, one in 1911, another in 1958, occurred within a 5-block area. How are they linked?
The Iraq War, 20 years on: what we failed to learn. America flunks history class yet again. There's no excuse this time.
"All Quiet on the Western Front" and the meaning of World War I. This classic story still resonates today because of the profound questions the war left unanswered.
Why fascism is on the rise again, and why it's so hard to stop it. The road to dictatorship is paved with reply guys and tone police insisting, "It can't happen here."