Historic Photo: First Lady Grace Coolidge with her dog, 1924. More than just an "aww" moment from the past, there is some interesting history behind this picture.
Disaster in memory: the Great Blizzard of 1975. 49 years ago this week, Midwesterners suffered the "blizzard of the century." How we remember weather events of the past matters.
Historic Painting: "A Boyar Wedding Feast" by Konstantin Makovsky, 1883. This scene depicting 16th or 17th century Russia has more to do with the present than you might think.
Year's End: The best of the Garden in 2023. On the last day of the year, here's a look back at what I think is the best of this blog in 2023.
The plane that won't quit: celebrating the Douglas DC-3. Over 150 DC-3s are still flying today in 2023, nearly 90 years after the first one went aloft. That's amazing!
Why the COP28 climate change talks are a farce, a fraud and an insult. On Dec. 12, when UN Secretary-General Guterres reports yet another dismal failure to deal with the climate crisis, just laugh at him. He doesn't get it.