The world turned upside down: Brexit, seven years on. Seven years ago, this is what I thought Brexit would mean. I think I got it right.
Historic Photo: Dining saloon of the SS Great Eastern, 1859. Your table is ready aboard the Great Eastern. Hope you're not in a hurry!
Global warming, air quality, and the "Dark Day" of 1780. New York's air quality catastrophe has some parallels in history, but climate change also makes it unique.
The 50 Most Important Things in History. My new book will be out June 20 on Kindle. Pre-ordering it is a great idea!
Introducing The Morning History Show. My new YouTube podcast profiles historical news that readers of this blog might find interesting.
The organic blockbuster: the original release of "Star Wars." The triumph of the original Star Wars was not driven by marketing. It probably couldn't happen today.
Heeeeeere's Johnny's legacy: The Tonight Show's golden age. For 30 years Johnny Carson was the face of the Tonight Show. When he signed off in 1992, an era ended.