Historic Painting: “Prussian Troops with French Prisoners” by Christian Sell, 1875. This picture romanticizes the brief but pivotal conflict between Prussia and France, which upended European politics.
Freezing in Montreal: The Great Ice Storm of 1998. How 8 days of ice reduced some of Canada's largest cities to apocalyptic ghost towns out of a science fiction movie.
Solstice: The hallowed beginning of winter. These modern people greeting the solstice are not unlike those who gathered here for the same purpose thousands of years ago.
London’s martyred terrier: the amazing story of the Brown Dog Riots. In 1907. London medical students rioted over a statue of a dog. How did this happen, and why?
Historic Photo: Cavite on fire after Japanese air raid, December 1941. This was just one part of the major Japanese offensive across the Pacific after Pearl Harbor.
That happened one night: Clark Gable’s monstrous secret. One violent night in 1935 clouded the lives of actress Loretta Young, and her daughter, for decades afterward.
Living Purposefully With Books. It means giving yourself permission to get rid of books--and also to keep them.