My own Holy Grail: Wagner’s great opera “Parsifal.” Wagner's greatest opera leaves the modern listener with a lot to think about.
The Great Fire of Rome and Nero’s fiddle: an egregious historical distortion. The emperor did not "fiddle while Rome burned." It's a bit more complicated than that.
This may be a good time to recall 1968, good and bad. Here are some things that were going on during those 12 tumultuous months.
Fourth of July thoughts: The fragility of democracy. The greatest threat to democracy comes from ourselves--because we may decide at any time that we no longer value it.
Popcorn and Purple Stuff: A Journey Through 1990s Cinema, in 25 Films. (Part V) The final article on this journey through 1990s cinema takes us to the very best the decade has to offer.
Behind the scenes: The Rise and Fall of Pan Am. My latest video chronicles the story of what was once America's flag carrier airline, and an institution in aviation history.
Vanished emerald city: the Dublin of James Joyce’s “Ulysses.” What was Dublin really like in the era of James Joyce's iconic novel?